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Earth Sciences for Namibia's sustainable development

Massospondylus comes home!

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A life sized replica of the first dinosaur fossil found in Namibia was recently obtained from the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa for display in the National Earth Science Museum.

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GSN Director, Dr Gabi Schneider, and previous Museum Curator, Mariette Kotze,
pose with the newly arrived Massospondylus

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Namibians will soon get a chance to see what one of the oldest dinosaurs, Massospondylus,
looked like when he lived in the country approximately 200 million years ago.
A life size replica will arrive in Windhoek on Friday and will be on view in the Geological Museum...
"Hello, Chief... I'm Tyrannosaurus...Massospondylus arrives on Friday...
I see that you are still charging that newspaper boy under Massospondylus's old laws..."

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An accurate replica of the first dinosaur fossil found in Namibia, the Massospondylus, 
arrived in Windhoek this weekend...."Good grief....look how things have changed!!"


Last updated on 12 November 2002
Published by the Geological Survey of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia
© Copyright Geological Survey of Namibia 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

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