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The Geotechnology Division is tasked with the maintenance,
publication and dissemination of all geo-data, geo-specimens and products generated by the
other divisions.
- Information Technology Subdivision
A 60-user computer network including full colour UNIX/Windows NT and
Windows 2000 workstations, PC's and Power-Mac's, scanning, digitising, plotting and
printing facilities. On-line access to open file information is being developed.
In-house publishing of an annual earth science journal (Communications),
doctoral theses (Memoirs), thematic works (Bulletins), and periodic bibliographies and
handbooks (e.g. Mineral Resources of Namibia).
A fully-equipped and computerised drawing office and darkroom for
digitising, graphic and map production, map film processing and photographic plate making.
- National Earth Science Library
Houses approximately 7000 books and monographs, 4000 reprints, 6000
geological and geophysical maps, 66 000 aerial photographs and satellite images, and
subscribes to 49 international earth science journals. Library exchange agreements
with around 400 institutions world-wide.
Houses the largest collection of Namibia's mineral, rock and fossil
- National Drill Core Center
Houses exploration drill core and cuttings from previous
prospecting/mining grants and hydrocarbon exploration licenses.