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Applied Geoscience Division

The Applied Geoscience Division goal is to enhance knowledge and awareness of Namibia's geological resources through scientific investigation.  This is achieved through maintaining the mineral sector's contribution to the economy through application and dissemination of quality scientific data and
promoting sustainable development by providing an enabling environment conductive to the optimum utilisation of Namibia's geological resources.

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Jetbelt sawing at the Palisandro Marble Quarry near Karibib

Primary function of the Economic Geology Subdivision is the provision of meaningful geotechnical information on the mineral occurrences of Namibia.

The subdivision provides chemical and mineralogical analytical services to both the Namibian Government and private clients.

The newly established soil mechanics laboratory has added a further dimension to this subdivision which provides technical expertise in all aspects of engineering and environmental geology.

Last updated on 01 December 2004
Published by the Geological Survey of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia
© Copyright Geological Survey of Namibia 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

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